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Full Download MOd [New] APK Market Fullapkmodd » Advanced Wifi Lock v1.3.8 and Torrent Link
: This app forces wifi to stay connected when the screen is turned off and should work on all devices (phone or tablet).Extra features included in this (full) version:
+ Widget to quickly enable/disable
+ Customisable timeout
+ Option to ignore timeout when device is charging
+ Fully customisable 'Auto Disable Grace Period'
Features :
Stops wifi disconnecting when screen is turned off
Optional timeout so you don't accidentally leave the phone awake for too long
Ability to automatically disable wifi if you get disconnected from your wireless Access point (e.g. out of range)
Confirmed working on the ZTE Blade/Orange San Francisco, Nook Color, Samsung Galaxy Ace (check comments for other devices)
Please Note: This app uses a wake-lock to prevent the phone from sleeping, leaving the phone in a wake-state for too long will use excessive battery power.
The Timeout starts from when the screen is turned off, and gets reset when the screen is turned back on.
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More Info Advanced Wifi Lock v1.3.8
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