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: Kernel Tuner is tool for root users to completely customize their devices. This is the only application that offers full multi-core control. It allows users to control each core of their devices independently. Custom kernel is required. Most of the features will only work on custom kernels. Check with your kernel developer to see if feature is supportedFree APK Kernel Tuner 2014 Pro v1.0.1.7 Patched
Kernel Tuner is tool for root users to completely customize their devices. This is the only application that offers full multi-core control. It allows users to control each core of their devices independently.
Custom kernel is required. Most of the features will only work on custom kernels. Check with your kernel developer to see if feature is supported
Some of the Features:
☑ Full CPU control(multi core CPU control included)
☑ GPU Control(Some Qcomm devices only)
☑ Fastcharge
☑ Quickly toggle individual cores online/offline
☑ Voltage Control
☑ IO Scheduler
☑ Disk Cache Size
☑ Governor Control
☑ Swep2Wake/Dobletap2wake
☑ CPU Times in State
☑ MP-Decision Control(Only devices with mpdecision build-in into kernel)
☑ Full thermald Control (Only devices with mpdecision build-in into kernel)
☑ Detailed System Info(CPU, Sensors, Memory, Battery...)
☑ Profiles
☑ Plugin for locale, llama, tasker to toggle profiles
☑ Build.prop Editor
☑ Sysctl Control
☑ Task Manager
New features (caomparing to old Kernel Tuner)
☑ Completely redesigned most of the app
☑ Application is now more stable
☑ Added support for few of the newer devices(including Nexus 5)
You can find full changelog here:
☑ Storage(modify/delete SD card content) - used for writing application logs to SD card
☑ Your personal information(read sensitive log data) - read system logs for debugging purposes
☑ Network communications(full internet access, view network state) - Used for ads
☑ System tools(automatically start at boot) - Used to restore application configuration and settings after reboot
☑ System tools(install shortcuts) - Used for installing Home Screen shortcuts
If you have any problem or suggestion feel free to contact me, or write on official thread on XDA Developers
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Submit issues here:
Version[*] Fixed Voltage
Version[*] Linpack benchmark[*] Fixed Voltage not restoring on boot[*] Option to change selinux[*] other bug fixes
Version[*] Bug/Crash fixes
Version[*] Crash fixes[*] New main screen icons by eboye
Version[*] Emergency fix for freezes upon app start caused by google analytics[*] Material Design tabs in System Info[*] Minor bug fixes
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More Info Kernel Tuner 2014 Pro v1.0.1.7 Patched
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Android APK Files [New] APK Market Fullapkmodd » Kernel Tuner 2014 Pro v1.0.1.7 Patched Full And No Hack No Survey No ROOT
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